This week’s drop goes live on Friday July 21st at 9 PM BST/1 pm PST/4 PM EST.
The highlights in this week’s drop come from DC Comics and SPACE 1999. We’ve got a small number of the Eagles with the laboratory pod, and an incredible DC Chess set that pits the Justice League against an array of villains led by Darkseid. Each piece in the set is a unique sculpt. It has to be seen to be believed.
This is a good week for anyone building a STAR TREK library. We’ve got copies of several Eaglemoss books that are now – inevitably – out of print. The highlight is STAR TREK A Celebration, which provides an inside look at the making of the original series and was met with rave reviews. We’ve also got Eaglemoss’s technical manual for the Enterprise-D which is packed with illustrations from the legendary STAR TREK Fact Files. They are joined by a couple of really charming novelty books that we urge you to check out and the volume in their Shipyards series that covers all the Federation member species.
We’ve got a couple of Enterprises, a Klingon spacestation, the ship that was Seven’s home before she was assimilated and an opportunity to buy some shuttles that have never been available to buy on an individual basis before.
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