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R$ 95,00


This set of pin badges by artist Karen Hallion was created to celebrate the women of Star Trek and features Lt. Uhura, Counselor Troi, Major Kira, Captain Janeway and Michael Burnham.

The badge set was part of a line of products featuring the Women of Star Trek that Eaglemoss was planning to launch.

R$ 797,00

This beautiful 34.3cm tall, hand-painted statue captures the iconic likeness of the Fourth Doctor, as portrayed by Tom Baker. This sixth scale statue is what Eaglemoss described as a Mega Statue and is perfect for display alongside other statues in the series including Daleks, Cybermen, and the Tenth and Fifteenth Doctors.

The Fourth Doctor was one of the most popular and loved regenerations and dominated the 1970s.

The Loki was a heavy cruiser that saw service in the First Cylon War. It was designed to carry supplies to combat vessels, but was heavily armed itself with 35 guns. The Loki was created for Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome where it was part of the ghost fleet that was hidden from the Cylons.

The Eaglemoss model is approximately 10.5 inches (27 cm) in length.

R$ 439,00

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer with this incredible Doctor Who Evolution Set One: The Tenth Planet - Invasion of the Cybermen Box Set #3 from Eaglemoss. All stand at approximately 10 cm, have been cast in specially formulated metallic resin and hand painted. Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise. Supplied in a themed presentation box.

The Daedalus was the first BC-304 interstellar battleship that was produced by Earth. It was armed with railguns and tactical warheads and carried a wing of F-302 fighters.

It was also the first Stargate ship that was produced by Eaglemoss. The initial run sold out quickly. A second wave was made but Eaglemoss's difficulties meant that it wasn't shipped. It has been changing hands on ebay for incredible prices.

The ship measures 8.85 inches (22.5 cm) long.

R$ 329,00

The Stargate Death Glider was one of the very last models that Eaglemoss produced.

It was a small fighter created by the Goa'uld that could operate in space or in a planet's atmosphere, and was often used to intimidate and control the Goa'uld's human subjects.

The model has a wingspan of just under 8 inches (20 cm).

R$ 95,00

Ashad was a Cyberman who planned to wipe out all organic life and convert the Cybermen into a purely robotic race. Unlike other Cybermen, he didn’t have an emotional inhibitor and had only been partially converted.  He encountered the Thirteenth Doctor when she visited the Villa Diodati and he was killed by the Master during the assault on Gallifrey.
R$ 95,00

The first time we saw the Toymaker was when he dragged the TARDIS into his realm and forced the first Doctor to play the trilogic game, while Steven and Dodo faced a series of life-sized toys. The Doctor already knew the mysterious Toymaker and the story seems to end with the destruction of his realm. The Eaglemoss figurine is 9.6 cm tall.
R$ 95,00

This 1:21 scale statue shows the first version of K-9, the Doctor's robotic dog, as he appeared in 'The Invisible Enemy'. K-9 went on to become one of the Doctor's most popular companions, accompanying the Doctor and Leela and then Romana, starring in a potential spin-off with Sarah-Jane Smith and eventually returning to meet Christopher Eccleston;s Ninth Doctor in 'School Reunion'. K-9 is in scale with the other figurines and is 4.5 cm tall.
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