Friday's Restock Drop is dropping 28th February at 1pm West Coast USA / 3pm Central USA / 4pm East Coast USA / 8am Sydney Australia / 9pm UK / 10pm EU / 6pm Brazil / 5am Hong Kong / 6am Japan.
Here's What's Dropping So Far...
XL: U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031 (Crossfield Class)
DC Comics Masterpiece Collection Femmes Fatales
The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) MEGA
STAR TREK Busts: Captain Archer
Star Trek Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium
Batmobile Cutaways: The Movie Vehicles 1989-2012 Plus Collectible
XL: Klingon bird-of-prey
Dr Who Figure Sensorite Magazine #62
U.S.S Voyager NCC-74656 Magazine
U.S.S Enterprise E Magazine
U.S.S Enterprise D Magazine
Klingon D7 Magazine #67
Dedication Plaque U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 D
Spock Mindfulness T-Shirt Logic - White - Medium
STAR TREK Graphic Novel Collection #44 Burden of Knowledge
STAR TREK Graphic Novel Collection #36 Khan
STAR TREK Graphic Novel Collection #32 TNG Return to Raimon
K-9 Mark I
Romulan D'deridex-class Warbird
XL: U.S.S Enterprise E Signed by John Eaves
Doctor Who Supreme Dalek Figure
Heroes And Monsters Collection Book
Chief Scientist Styggron
Sontaran Commander Skaak
Ashad The Lone Cyberman
The Fugitive Doctor
Queen of the Skithra
Doctor Who Time Lords Victorious: Dalek Scientist & Dalek Time Commander
Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk II (Apollo call sign)
Battlestar Galactica Viper Mk II (Husker call sign)
Irina's Racing Ship
Arctic One
STAR TREK Graphic Novel Collection # 40 Parallel Lives
Husnock Warship
XL: U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205
XL: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B
U.S.S Enterprise (Phase 2 Matt Jefferies Concept)
Dala's 'Delta Flyer'
U.S.S. Zheng He
Steamrunner Class (U.S.S. Appalachia)
U.S.S. Enterprise XCV-330
United Earth Ship Sarajevo
Dedication Plaque U.S.S. Defiant NCC-74205
Starfleet Tug (Helios Class)
XL: U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000
U.S.S. Altair
Limited Edition Borg Cube Advent Calendar
Lokirrim Warship
NEW AND UNRELEASED Kaylon Interceptor
NEW AND UNRELEASED Shuttlecraft Yosemite (Lower Decks)
Romulan Drone
Xindi Aquatic Cruiser
Bajoran Raider
Suliban Freighter
U.S.S. Dauntless NX-01-A
Star Trek: TNG Mirror Universe Magnetic Badge
Assimilated Arctic One
STAR TREK Designing Starships Volume 4 Discovery
Marvel Tony Stark (Team Suit) Sixth Scale Figure
Type-10 Shuttle (U.S.S. Defiant)
Vaadwuar Assault Fighter
Klingon Attack Cruiser (Vor'cha class)
Krenim Warship
Hirogen Holoship
Doctor Who Dalek Assault Set 2
Battlestar Galactica Landram (TOS)
Challenger Class (U.S.S. Buran)
U.S.S. Reliant Concept
XL: U.S.S. Reliant
Star Trek Shipyards: The Borg and the Delta Quadrant Akritirian to Krenim
Void Ship
STAR TREK Shipyards: Federation Members
Federation Holoship
N7 Helmet Andromeda Variant
Battlestar Galactica Astral Queen
Cardassian Keldon Class
Klingon Transport
Deep Space 9 and the U.S.S. Defiant Illustrated Handbook
U.S.S. Rhode Island NCC-72701
U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031-A
Ha'tak Goa'uld Mothership
U.S.S. Nog NCC-325070 (Eisenberg Class)
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