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Visionary pioneers Gerry and Sylvia Anderson created a world full of captivating characters, spectacular vehicles and exciting stories that are beloved by generations of fans around the world. Now you can create your own miniature adventures with The Anderson Collection.

All your favourite heroes and villains brought to life in a cool retro style. Designed with collectors in mind, each figure sports 5 points of jointed articulation, authentic character likenesses and detailed costumes. All faithfully recreated in 3.75 inch (9.5 cm) scale and packaged in a nostalgic format featuring gorgeous artwork.

The Anderson Collection Box Set 2 includes:

All 6 5-Joints action figures from Collection 2. Plus additional Colonel White figure.

Specially commissioned artwork by Lee Sullivan.

Includes 7 x circular bases to stand your 5-Joints action figures on.

Boxset mock up Pending Licensor Approval

Age restriction 14+


Since the first season of The Expanse the Rocinante has been at the heart of the action. It is an MCRN Corvette that was carried aboard the Martian navy flagship, the MCRN Donnager. After Holden and his crew took control they renamed it the Rocinante and it became their home.

In the real world the Roci was designed by Ryan Dening, who also worked on Star Trek.

This is the smaller of the two Eaglemoss versions, and it is 10 inches (25 cm) long.

One of the most iconic designs in the history of Stargate. The Goa'uld used Ha'tak motherships to impose their will on the Galaxy.

These vast ships resembled giant, spaceborne pyramids and were equipped with fearsome firepower. After the fall of the Goa'uld they were operated by the Free Jaffa.

This is one of a limited number of Stargate models produced by Eaglemoss.

The model is 8 inches (20 cm) wide.


Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21.

This Black Dalek was one of the leaders of the Dalek Invasion of Earth. This was the Daleks' second appearance and they had been upgraded with the addition of deeper bases and antenna on their backs which supplied them with power. 


This stunning figure of the Necros Dalek features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

This figure captures the white and gold Dalek from the Seventh Doctor story 'Revelation of the Daleks'. This fantastic Necros Dalek Figurine shows one of Davros’ new breed of Daleks that he had created from the bodies of those lying dormant and frozen, that had been waiting for the day when whatever had almost killed them could be cured. But Davros – now known as ‘the Great Healer’ – has plundered the tombs on Necros to create an army.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21.

This model of Supreme Dalek appeared in the Fifth Doctor story  'Resurrection of the Daleks', which sees the Daleks attack London and make moves in their war with the Time Lords. It is 7.6 cm tall. 

This stunning figure of the classic Supreme Dalek features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

This figure depicts this terrifying Dalek as seen in the season 10 episode 'Planet of the Daleks'.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21, approx 80mm tall.


This stunning figure of the Genesis Dalek features incredible detail and is part of a collectible limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21, approx 87mm tall.

This stunning figure of a Skaro City Dalek from the 1st Doctor's 2nd story 'The Daleks' features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines..

This figure captures one of the three Daleks that converged on the Doctor and his companions. Features include the Skaro City Dalek's classic eyestalk and blaster, with a simple shoulder section and pale blue hemispheres.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21, approx 72mm tall.

This figure of the New Paradigm Dalek features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

Scale 1:21, approx 80mm tall.

After the end of the Time War the Doctor believed that all the Daleks were trapped outside normal space and time, but one of them had survived. The Tenth Doctor and Rose found the 'Last Dalek' in Henry van Staten's museum of alien artefacts. The Dalek was revived after it absorbed time-travelling energy from Rose. it started a killng spree before it realized it had developed a conscience and destroyed itself. This version of the modern Dalek has a slightly different paint scheme to all the other Daleks. It is roughly 7.5 cm tall.

The cunning leader of the slug-like Tractators from Doctor Who, the Gravis was the only intelligent member of his species, controlling the others like insect drones. Concealed beneath the surface of the planet Frontios, the Doctor Who Tractators used their psychic control over gravity to attack and terrify the human colonists, dragging them below the surface to act as living components in their machines.  The figure captures the Gravis as it appeared in the fifth Doctor adventure 'Frontios'. This is a special limited edition figure in the Eaglemoss series.

Aggedor features in two classic Third Doctor stories: 'The Curse of Peladon' and 'The Monster of Peladon'. For many years, the Peladonians believed Aggedor was a myth. Their legends said that the creature would bring terror, darkness and death when it returns.  The Doctor and Jo discover that the Aggedor were very real and that at least one has survived. That Aggedor is being manipulated in an attempt to disrupt a galactic alliance but the Doctor soon befriends it.

This figure was one of Eaglemoss's oversized specials and is approximately 13 cm tall.


Underneath the Devil's Hump is a long-dormant creature with unimaginable powers, and the Doctor's archenemy the Master is out to get them for himself.

Azal, the last of the Daemons, was created by Doctor Who's producer, Barry Letts, and writer Robert Sloman, but brilliantly brought to life by Stephen Thorne, whose booming voice and stature were perfect for this terrifying creation.

The statue was one of Eaglemoss's oversized specials and is approximately 15 cm tall.

This figure of the Cyborg King Hydroflax features incredible detail and is part of a collectable series of fine quality figurines.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

The figure shows King Hydroflax, the butcher of the Bone Meadows, as he appears in the 2015 Christmas Day episode, The Husbands of River Song.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:16, approx 135mm tall.


This 1:21 scale statue shows the first version of K-9, the Doctor's robotic dog, as he appeared in 'The Invisible Enemy'. K-9 went on to become one of the Doctor's most popular companions, accompanying the Doctor and Leela and then Romana, starring in a potential spin-off with Sarah-Jane Smith and eventually returning to meet Christopher Eccleston;s Ninth Doctor in 'School Reunion'. K-9 is in scale with the other figurines and is 4.5 cm tall.

This figure depicts Cloister Wraith, the guardian of the Matrix of Gallifrey, as they appeared in the Twelfth Doctor episode, 'Hell Bent'.

The figurine is 10 cm tall.


The first time we saw the Toymaker was when he dragged the TARDIS into his realm and forced the first Doctor to play the trilogic game, while Steven and Dodo faced a series of life-sized toys. The Doctor already knew the mysterious Toymaker and the story seems to end with the destruction of his realm. The Eaglemoss figurine is 9.6 cm tall.

Ashad was a Cyberman who planned to wipe out all organic life and convert the Cybermen into a purely robotic race. Unlike other Cybermen, he didn’t have an emotional inhibitor and had only been partially converted.  He encountered the Thirteenth Doctor when she visited the Villa Diodati and he was killed by the Master during the assault on Gallifrey.
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