This week’s Wednesday drop includes several ships from STAR TREK: DISCOVERY that we’re listing for the first time including the midsize version of the U.S.S. Shenzhou, Sarek’s Vulcan cruiser, the Klingon Qugh class, Starbase 1 and one of the coolest Section 31 ships from the second season – the Nimrod class which has four nacelles and launches drone fighters.
They’re joined by a pair of Son’a ships from STAR TREK: INSURRECTION – the battleship which is armed with illegal isolytic subspace weapons and the giant Collector ship which was designed to collect metaphasic radiation from the rings around the Ba’ku planet.
We also have the Promellian battle cruiser, which has a nice story attached to it. In the TNG episode ‘Booby Trap’, Picard says that when he was a child he built a model of a Promellian battle cruiser in a bottle. In the second season of STAR TREK: PICARD, we got to see some of Picard’s childhood possessions. The art department reached out to Eaglemoss to get some Promellian battle cruisers and put one in a bottle, making this one of – if not the – first Eaglemoss models to appear on screen.
The drop also includes some much-sought after Starfleet ships including the Enterprise-E Captain’s Yacht, the Springfield class from the Battle of Wolf 359, and the Enterprise-F. which was made canon by its appearance in PICARD Season 3.
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