Stargate Restock Drop
Today's Stargate Restock Drop Is Going Live at 1pm West Coast USA / 3pm Central USA / 4pm East Coast USA / 6am Sydney Australia / 9pm UK / 10pm EU / 6pm Brazil / 5am Hong Kong / 6am Japan....
The Daedalus was the first BC-304 interstellar battleship that was produced by Earth. It was armed with railguns and tactical warheads and carried a wing of F-302 fighters.
It was also the first Stargate ship that was produced by Eaglemoss. The initial run sold out quickly. A second wave was made but Eaglemoss's difficulties meant that it wasn't shipped. It has been changing hands on ebay for incredible prices.
The ship measures 8.85 inches (22.5 cm) long.
The Stargate Death Glider was one of the very last models that Eaglemoss produced.
It was a small fighter created by the Goa'uld that could operate in space or in a planet's atmosphere, and was often used to intimidate and control the Goa'uld's human subjects.
The model has a wingspan of just under 8 inches (20 cm).