Doctor Who

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The Master is the Doctor's nemesis. Like him, he is a Time Lord who can regenerate and different versions of him have confronted the Doctor. This box set set contains the first four: the Master played by Roger Delgado as he appeared in 'Terror of the Autons'; the emaciated Master from 'The Deadly Assassin'; the Anthony Ainley version from 'Castrovalva' and the Eric Roberts Master from the TV movie. Each figurine is roughly 9.5 cm tall.
The Wirrn were giant insectlike creatures that the Fourth Doctor encountered on Nerva Beacon. They were intelligent parasites who planted their eggs inside the humans who were in suspended animation, turning them into Wirrn. They were eliminated when they were lured into a transport ship, which was then destroyed. The figurine was a special oversized issue and is approximately 14 cm tall.

When we first saw the Ood they were servants on a Sanctuary Base involved in deep-space exploration. They are telepathic and have two brains, one of which they carry in their hands. The Ood on the base were possessed by an ancient being known as the Beast and their eyes glowed red. The Ood figurine stands 10 cm tall.

Rose Tyler, played by Billie Piper, is one of the Doctor's defining companions. She met the Ninth Doctor shortly after the end of the Time War and joined him in the TARDIS. She saved the world from a Dalek invasion by absorbing vortex energy and becoming the 'Bad Wolf'. She continued to travel with the Tenth Doctor, and was eventually trapped in a parallel universe with a version of the Doctor hat was created in a meta crisis. She is shown here with the Tenth Doctor in 'The Stolen Earth'. The Doctor is roughly 10 cm tall and Rose is 9 cm.
This beautiful 34.3cm tall, hand-painted statue captures the iconic likeness of the Fourth Doctor, as portrayed by Tom Baker. This sixth scale statue is what Eaglemoss described as a Mega Statue and is perfect for display alongside other statues in the series including Daleks, Cybermen, and the Tenth and Fifteenth Doctors.

The Fourth Doctor was one of the most popular and loved regenerations and dominated the 1970s.



This is the version of the Dalek which appeared in the first season after Doctor Who returned in 2005. It is subtly different from the Dalek that appeared earlier in the season, with some changes to the painting and it went on to become the definitive take on the Daleks. The figurine is 8 cm tall.

This box set features the first four Doctors to appear after Doctor Who was rebooted in 2005 from Christopher Eccleston to Peter Capaldi. Each is hown in a classic pose. Look out for similar sets that feature the earlier Doctors. Each figurine is approximately 10 cm tall.

In 'Tooth and Claw' the Doctor and Rose meet Queen Victoria who is being threatened by a Werewolf (or as the Doctor calls it a Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform). It's actually an alien that can transform its host by infecting its blood. It planned to take control of Britain by infecting the Queen. The Doctor eventually defeats it using moonlight. The Eaglemoss figurine was a special issue that stands 15 cm tall.

This Art Print Set contains the following prints

This figurine captures Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, clad in the ceremonial Gallifreyan robes he donned in .'The Deadly Assassin'. The story saw the Fourth Doctor pitted against the Master who returned after three years in a new, decrepit wraith-like form played by Peter Pratt! The President of Gallifrey is resigning, and ready to name his successor but the Doctor is an unwanted guest at the ceremony. Scale 1:21, approx 110mm tall.
This stunning figure of the Thirteenth Doctor Who features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

This figure marks the start of an exciting new era with the regenerated Doctor sporting her high-waisted culottes, rainbow-striped dark blue tee shirt, and a long grey and blue coat.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.Scale 1:21, approx 90mm tall.

This incredible figure of a Silurian features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

Each figure is created from a refined 3D digital sculpture which is then cast in special metallic resin and hand painted.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

This No.5 figure in the series features the moment in time from the episode "Cold Blood".

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21, approx 90mm tall.

Get ready for the return of Doctor Who! As well as producing figurines, Eaglemoss produced a line of Doctor Who homewares. This tin contains four reusable cookie cutters, each shaped like an adorable version of a classic time lord, and a high quality tea towel. It comes with a perfect recipe so you can make the cookies. The whole thing can  be kept in the tin.

The Dalek gunships appeared in 'The Time of the Doctor' when we saw them mounting a devastating attack on Gallifrey during the Time War. They were flying weapons platforms that carried a squad of Daleks. The Eaglemoss model is 14 cm tall and comes with mini Daleks.


This special display stand was designed to show off the Daleks. It has special areas for seven Daleks and was originally only available to premium subscribers.

The Movellans were an android race who were involved in a centuries-long war with the Daleks. The Fourth Doctor encontered them in 'Destiny of the Daleks' when the Movellans sent a team to Skaro to prevent the Daleks from reviving Davros.

Karvanista was a dog-like alien who was the last surviving member of the Division, a Time Lord 'special forces' group that intervened to protect Gallifrey. He was effectively the Fugitive Doctor's companion. During the Flux he was bonded with Dan Lewis, and kidnapped him in order to save him.

Syggron was a Kraal scientist who developed almost indestructible androids, which he planned to use to invade Earth when the Kraal planet became uninhabitable. He appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Android Invasion' and was killed by a vial of a virus he had developed to wipe out humanity.

The Twelfth Doctor encountered this dream version of Santa in 'Last Christmas'. He was the product of the dream crabs - clawlike creatures that latch on a human head and feed on people's brains while putting them in a dream state.
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