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This is the version of the Dalek which appeared in the first season after Doctor Who returned in 2005. It is subtly different from the Dalek that appeared earlier in the season, with some changes to the painting and it went on to become the definitive take on the Daleks. The figurine is 8 cm tall.

This 1:21 scale statue shows the first version of K-9, the Doctor's robotic dog, as he appeared in 'The Invisible Enemy'. K-9 went on to become one of the Doctor's most popular companions, accompanying the Doctor and Leela and then Romana, starring in a potential spin-off with Sarah-Jane Smith and eventually returning to meet Christopher Eccleston;s Ninth Doctor in 'School Reunion'. K-9 is in scale with the other figurines and is 4.5 cm tall.

Rose Tyler, played by Billie Piper, is one of the Doctor's defining companions. She met the Ninth Doctor shortly after the end of the Time War and joined him in the TARDIS. She saved the world from a Dalek invasion by absorbing vortex energy and becoming the 'Bad Wolf'. She continued to travel with the Tenth Doctor, and was eventually trapped in a parallel universe with a version of the Doctor hat was created in a meta crisis. She is shown here with the Tenth Doctor in 'The Stolen Earth'. The Doctor is roughly 10 cm tall and Rose is 9 cm.

Syggron was a Kraal scientist who developed almost indestructible androids, which he planned to use to invade Earth when the Kraal planet became uninhabitable. He appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Android Invasion' and was killed by a vial of a virus he had developed to wipe out humanity.

The Twelfth Doctor encountered this dream version of Santa in 'Last Christmas'. He was the product of the dream crabs - clawlike creatures that latch on a human head and feed on people's brains while putting them in a dream state.

In the first Alien movie, Dallas and his crew pursue the Xenomorph through the bowels of their ship the Nostromo, armed with whatever weapons they could cobble together. This 1:6 scale statue is from the memorable sequence where Dallas is working his way through the vents with a flamethrower when the Xenomorph bursts through the floor, sealing his fate.

The statue stands 10.25 inches (26 cm) tall.


In Alien Covenant Tennessee brings the Cargo Lifter down to the surface to rescue the survivors after the Lander is destroyed. The Lifter was designed by artist Steve Burg, who saw it as a flying cargo platform with a crane and a small cabin. He consciously echoed the design of the Lander.

The Eaglemoss model is just under 8 inches (20 cm) long.


This is the original version of the Alien Xenomorph, which bursts out of Ash's chest and slaughters the crew of the Nostromo before Ripley finally manages to eject it into space.

This is the regular sized Eaglemoss figurine, which is 5.9 inches (15 cm) tall.


This statue shows the original Predator who hunted Dutch and the rest of the special forces team in the first Predator movie. It was cloaked for most of the movie and was only revealed at the end. It stands 5.5" (14 cm) tall.
In the story 'The Doctor's Wife' the Eleventh Doctor is lured outside of the normal universe to a realm where a creature known as 'House' survives by draining the energy from TARDISes. He escapes by cobbling a control room and console together from the remains of wrecked TARDISes. The 'junk' console is in scale with all the figurines in the collection.
The Loki was a heavy cruiser that saw service in the First Cylon War. It was designed to carry supplies to combat vessels, but was heavily armed itself with 35 guns. The Loki was created for Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome where it was part of the ghost fleet that was hidden from the Cylons.

The Eaglemoss model is approximately 10.5 inches (27 cm) in length.



Karvanista was a dog-like alien who was the last surviving member of the Division, a Time Lord 'special forces' group that intervened to protect Gallifrey. He was effectively the Fugitive Doctor's companion. During the Flux he was bonded with Dan Lewis, and kidnapped him in order to save him.
This damaged Cyberman appeared in the Eleventh Doctor episode from 2010 'The Pandorica Opens'.

The figurine is 9.7 cm tall.


This box set features the first four Doctors to appear after Doctor Who was rebooted in 2005 from Christopher Eccleston to Peter Capaldi. Each is hown in a classic pose. Look out for similar sets that feature the earlier Doctors. Each figurine is approximately 10 cm tall.

This special display stand was designed to show off the Daleks. It has special areas for seven Daleks and was originally only available to premium subscribers.
This stunning figure of the Thirteenth Doctor Who features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

This figure marks the start of an exciting new era with the regenerated Doctor sporting her high-waisted culottes, rainbow-striped dark blue tee shirt, and a long grey and blue coat.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.Scale 1:21, approx 90mm tall.
The Autons are a form of living plastic that is animated by the Nestene Consciousness. They made their debut in 'Spearhead from Space', the story that introduced the Third Doctor. As part of their plan, they created humanlike bodies that had guns concealed in their hands. This figurine shows an Auton worker, who were effectively warriors and only had crude features. The figurine is 10 cm tall.
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