Huge Doctor Who Restock

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The cunning leader of the slug-like Tractators from Doctor Who, the Gravis was the only intelligent member of his species, controlling the others like insect drones. Concealed beneath the surface of the planet Frontios, the Doctor Who Tractators used their psychic control over gravity to attack and terrify the human colonists, dragging them below the surface to act as living components in their machines.  The figure captures the Gravis as it appeared in the fifth Doctor adventure 'Frontios'. This is a special limited edition figure in the Eaglemoss series.

Aggedor features in two classic Third Doctor stories: 'The Curse of Peladon' and 'The Monster of Peladon'. For many years, the Peladonians believed Aggedor was a myth. Their legends said that the creature would bring terror, darkness and death when it returns.  The Doctor and Jo discover that the Aggedor were very real and that at least one has survived. That Aggedor is being manipulated in an attempt to disrupt a galactic alliance but the Doctor soon befriends it.

This figure was one of Eaglemoss's oversized specials and is approximately 13 cm tall.


Underneath the Devil's Hump is a long-dormant creature with unimaginable powers, and the Doctor's archenemy the Master is out to get them for himself.

Azal, the last of the Daemons, was created by Doctor Who's producer, Barry Letts, and writer Robert Sloman, but brilliantly brought to life by Stephen Thorne, whose booming voice and stature were perfect for this terrifying creation.

The statue was one of Eaglemoss's oversized specials and is approximately 15 cm tall.

This figure of the Cyborg King Hydroflax features incredible detail and is part of a collectable series of fine quality figurines.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

The figure shows King Hydroflax, the butcher of the Bone Meadows, as he appears in the 2015 Christmas Day episode, The Husbands of River Song.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:16, approx 135mm tall.


This 1:21 scale statue shows the first version of K-9, the Doctor's robotic dog, as he appeared in 'The Invisible Enemy'. K-9 went on to become one of the Doctor's most popular companions, accompanying the Doctor and Leela and then Romana, starring in a potential spin-off with Sarah-Jane Smith and eventually returning to meet Christopher Eccleston;s Ninth Doctor in 'School Reunion'. K-9 is in scale with the other figurines and is 4.5 cm tall.

This figure depicts Cloister Wraith, the guardian of the Matrix of Gallifrey, as they appeared in the Twelfth Doctor episode, 'Hell Bent'.

The figurine is 10 cm tall.


Ashad was a Cyberman who planned to wipe out all organic life and convert the Cybermen into a purely robotic race. Unlike other Cybermen, he didn’t have an emotional inhibitor and had only been partially converted.  He encountered the Thirteenth Doctor when she visited the Villa Diodati and he was killed by the Master during the assault on Gallifrey.

Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

This figure captures the likeness of the character as seen in the 2020 Thirteenth Doctor Adventure “The Timeless Children”

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21, approx 93mm tall.



This fantastic figure of the Sea Devil features incredible detail and is part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines. Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.

This figure captures the Sea Devil as it appeared in 'Warriors of the Deep' the classic 5th Doctor story.

Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.

Scale 1:21, approx 94mm tall.



The figure depicts a Cybershade as they appeared in the 10th Doctor episode 'The Next Doctor'.

The figurine is 8.1 cm tall.


The Valeyard was a malevolent version of the Doctor who was pulled out of time. He claimed to be created from somewhere between the Doctor's Twelfth and Thirteenth regenerations. He led the prosecution of the Sixth Doctor in the Trial of a Time Lord, hoping to take the Doctor's remaining regenerations for himself. The figurine is 9.6 cm tall. 


The Pirate Captain appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Pirate Planet', which was written by Douglas Adams and was part of the Key to Time story arc. He used a hollowed out planet to steal resources from other worlds, had robotic limbs and even a robotic parrot. The figurine is just under 11 cm tall. 


The Winders were cyborg policemen on the Starship UK. Their heads which were human on one side, rotated rotated to reveal an horrific smiling face. The figurine is 10 cm tall. 

The Silurians ruled Earth millions of years before humans evolved, but environmental changes forced them to put themselves into hibernation. This version of the Silurians is from the Fifth Doctor story 'Warriors of the Deep' when they teamed up with their cousins the Sea Devils to attack Sea Base Four as the beginning of a plot to reclaim control of the Earth. The figurine is approximately 11 cm tall.
The First Doctor returned in the story 'Twice Upon A Time', when he teamed up with the Twelfth Doctor and helped him to regenerate. This time around the First Doctor was played by David Bradley, who also played William Hartnell in the drama documentary 'An Adventure in Space and Time'. The figurine is 9.7 cm tall.

These zombies appeared in the Twelfth Doctor story 'Oxygen'. The people inside the spacesuits were dead. The ir suits had actually turned on them and killed them  after they received order to eliminate their organic components. The figurine is 9.8 cm tall. 


The Autons are a form of living plastic that is animated by the Nestene Consciousness. They made their debut in 'Spearhead from Space', the story that introduced the Third Doctor. As part of their plan, they created humanlike bodies that had guns concealed in their hands. This figurine shows an Auton worker, who were effectively warriors and only had crude features.

The figurine is 10 cm tall.


The Ice Queen Iraxxa appeared in the Twelfth Doctor story 'Empress of Mars'. She had spent years in suspended animation but was revived in 1881, after humans who had been transported to Mars entered her tomb. The Doctor helped her to lead her people to a new home which began the Martian Golden Age.

The clockwork robots appeared in the Tenth Doctor story 'The Girl in the Fireplace'. They were from the 51st century but after a computer malfunction they became obsessed with Madame de Pompadour. They travelled through time to the 18th century, making various attempts to steal her brain. As part of their plan they dressed like members of the French court.

The figurine is 9.5 cm tall.


The Cheetah People appeared in the Seventh Doctor story 'Survival' and were the last aliens to appear in the series classic run. They were originally humanoids who took on catlike characteristics including fur, fangs and claws, when they were exposed to a a virus that rewrote their DNA.

The figurine is 9 cm tall.

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