5 For 3 Doctor Who Offer

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The Movellans were an android race who were involved in a centuries-long war with the Daleks. The Fourth Doctor encontered them in 'Destiny of the Daleks' when the Movellans sent a team to Skaro to prevent the Daleks from reviving Davros.
In David Tennant's first season as the Doctor, he visits a parallel Earth where people are gradually being converted into Cybermen. The operation is coordinated by the Cyber Controller who is based on a Cybus Industries airship above London. The Eaglemoss figurine shows him in the 'throne' that links him to the cyber network.

This is an oversized special issue.


This is the version of the Dalek which appeared in the first season after Doctor Who returned in 2005. It is subtly different from the Dalek that appeared earlier in the season, with some changes to the painting and it went on to become the definitive take on the Daleks. The figurine is 8 cm tall.

Syggron was a Kraal scientist who developed almost indestructible androids, which he planned to use to invade Earth when the Kraal planet became uninhabitable. He appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Android Invasion' and was killed by a vial of a virus he had developed to wipe out humanity.


The Twelfth Doctor encountered this dream version of Santa in 'Last Christmas'. He was the product of the dream crabs - clawlike creatures that latch on a human head and feed on people's brains while putting them in a dream state.

Karvanista was a dog-like alien who was the last surviving member of the Division, a Time Lord 'special forces' group that intervened to protect Gallifrey. He was effectively the Fugitive Doctor's companion. During the Flux he was bonded with Dan Lewis, and kidnapped him in order to save him.

This box set features the first four Doctors to appear after Doctor Who was rebooted in 2005 from Christopher Eccleston to Peter Capaldi. Each is hown in a classic pose. Look out for similar sets that feature the earlier Doctors. Each figurine is approximately 10 cm tall.

The Wirrn were giant insectlike creatures that the Fourth Doctor encountered on Nerva Beacon. They were intelligent parasites who planted their eggs inside the humans who were in suspended animation, turning them into Wirrn. They were eliminated when they were lured into a transport ship, which was then destroyed. The figurine was a special oversized issue and is approximately 14 cm tall.
Get ready for the return of Doctor Who! As well as producing figurines, Eaglemoss produced a line of Doctor Who homewares. This tin contains four reusable cookie cutters, each shaped like an adorable version of a classic time lord, and a high quality tea towel. It comes with a perfect recipe so you can make the cookies. The whole thing can  be kept in the tin.

When the Doctor was suffering from a bout of depression he took refuge in nineteenth century London. While he was there he encountered the Great Intelligence, who was bringing malevolent snowmen to life to act as his enforcers. The Snowman figurine is 10 cm tall.

Mestor was a giant sluglike creature who featured in the Sixth Doctor story 'Twin Dilemma'. He planned to spread his eggs throughout the universe, bringing it under his control. He had mental abilities, which he used to take over the mind of the Time Lord Azmael, but he was defeated when the Doctor destroyed his original gastropod body and Azmael used up his last regneration destroying his mind. The figurine stands 10.5 cm tall.

This Time Lord set features Borusa, the Time Lord Cardinal from 'The Deadly Assassin" and the first incarnation of Romana who travelled with the Doctor, starting in 'The Ribos Operation'. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.


The figure depicts a Cybershade as they appeared in the 10th Doctor episode 'The Next Doctor'.

The figurine is 8.1 cm tall.


In 'Tooth and Claw' the Doctor and Rose meet Queen Victoria who is being threatened by a Werewolf (or as the Doctor calls it a Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform). It's actually an alien that can transform its host by infecting its blood. It planned to take control of Britain by infecting the Queen. The Doctor eventually defeats it using moonlight. The Eaglemoss figurine was a special issue that stands 15 cm tall.

This set features two of the Doctor's greatest Time Lord enemies: the Monk, who confronted the First Docrtor and the version of the Master that confronted the Eighth Doctor in the 1999 TV movie. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.


Sharaz Jek is the villain in 'The Caves of Androzani', which is one of the most admired Doctor Who stories ever made. He was a specialist in androids, who he used to harvest toxic spectrox. He was horribly burned in an accident which led him to wear a distinctive black and white mask. He was eventually killed in a battle with his nemesis Morgus. The figurine is roughly 10 cm tall.

This box-set unites the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) with two beloved co-stars from the Big Finish audio dramas: Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and one of the Master's Dalek allies! The Eighth Doctor is portrayed in a black leather jacket holding his sonic screwdriver.Liv Chenka, a human medical technician from the planet Kaldor, acted as a companion to both the Seventh and Eighth Doctors.

The characters are all portrayed as they appear in the Big Finish Audio play "Dark Eyes".

Add some Gallifreyan style to your outfit with this set of seven collectable Doctor Who: Flux Pin Badges. Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor is joined by long-time companion Yaz and Liverpudlian Dan as well as the canine soldier Karvanista, observation officer Vinder and two insidious villains from the Doctor’s ancient past – Azure and Swarm, the Ravagers!
These adorable metal Doctor Who Pin Badges capture some of the greatest characters in Doctor Who’s history in a fun chibi style. The set comes in a special presentation box.
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