Badges & Pins

6 products

£4.99 £14.99

The Star Trek: Discovery Cadet Badge, as seen being worn by Cadet Sylvia Tilly, features a bronze delta with the stylized Operations spiral on a black rectangle. The four gold stripes on the badge's background indicate that Cadet Tilly is in her fourth year of training to be a Starfleet officer.

As with all of QMx's Star Trek badges, the cadet badge is an exact replica of the screen-used hero prop. In making the replica, we started with the 3D files the Discovery prop department used to create the original, then referenced the actual hero prop from the show for size, detail and color. The result is a perfect simulation of the badge that has been approved by the show's propmaster.

The Cadet Badge includes QMx's unique magnetic clasp, which uses strong, short-field magnets embedded in the badge and a separate backplate (included). No more pinholes in delicate fabric; they can even be worn on leather and suede.

Eaglemoss Hero Collector Star Trek: The Next Generation Chibi Pin Badge Gift Set.

Introducing the Star Trek: The Next GenerationChibi Pin Badge Box set - a chibi-patterned box set: a collection of seven high-quality metal pin badges, depicting the main cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The box set includes Captain Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Mr. Worf, Commander Data, Beverley Crusher, Geordi LaForge and Deanna Troi.


This set of pin badges by artist Karen Hallion was created to celebrate the women of Star Trek and features Lt. Uhura, Counselor Troi, Major Kira, Captain Janeway and Michael Burnham.

The badge set was part of a line of products featuring the Women of Star Trek that Eaglemoss was planning to launch.

This Star Trek Discovery pin badge set features two pins: the red Kaplan F17 speed freighter La Sirena and the ship's insignia: a mermaid cresting a wave.

Add some Gallifreyan style to your outfit with this set of seven collectable Doctor Who: Flux Pin Badges. Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor is joined by long-time companion Yaz and Liverpudlian Dan as well as the canine soldier Karvanista, observation officer Vinder and two insidious villains from the Doctor’s ancient past – Azure and Swarm, the Ravagers!
These adorable metal Doctor Who Pin Badges capture some of the greatest characters in Doctor Who’s history in a fun chibi style. The set comes in a special presentation box.
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