Restock Drop

Today's Restock Drop is going live at 1pm West Coast USA / 3pm Central USA / 4pm East Coast USA / 8am Sydney Australia / 9pm UK / 10pm EU / 6pm Brazil / 5am Hong Kong / 6am Japan.

Don't miss out, this could be your last chance to get these ships at these prices...

8 products


RARE SITE EXCLUSIVE The Kaylon Interceptor from The Orville is the smaller ship with a 'tail' that was carried inside the Kaylon sphere.

The model is just under 7 inches (17.5 cm) long. 


The Skithra were a race of scorpion like creatures who stole technology from other races. In 'Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror' their queen tries to force Tesla to repair her ship. The Eaglemoss figurine is 9.6 cm (approximately 4")  tall.

When the Doctor was suffering from a bout of depression he took refuge in nineteenth century London. While he was there he encountered the Great Intelligence, who was bringing malevolent snowmen to life to act as his enforcers. The Snowman figurine is 10 cm tall.

Syggron was a Kraal scientist who developed almost indestructible androids, which he planned to use to invade Earth when the Kraal planet became uninhabitable. He appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Android Invasion' and was killed by a vial of a virus he had developed to wipe out humanity.
This beautiful 34.3cm tall, hand-painted statue captures the iconic likeness of the Fourth Doctor, as portrayed by Tom Baker. This sixth scale statue is what Eaglemoss described as a Mega Statue and is perfect for display alongside other statues in the series including Daleks, Cybermen, and the Tenth and Fifteenth Doctors.

The Fourth Doctor was one of the most popular and loved regenerations and dominated the 1970s.


Ashad was a Cyberman who planned to wipe out all organic life and convert the Cybermen into a purely robotic race. Unlike other Cybermen, he didn’t have an emotional inhibitor and had only been partially converted.  He encountered the Thirteenth Doctor when she visited the Villa Diodati and he was killed by the Master during the assault on Gallifrey.

This 1:21 scale statue shows the first version of K-9, the Doctor's robotic dog, as he appeared in 'The Invisible Enemy'. K-9 went on to become one of the Doctor's most popular companions, accompanying the Doctor and Leela and then Romana, starring in a potential spin-off with Sarah-Jane Smith and eventually returning to meet Christopher Eccleston;s Ninth Doctor in 'School Reunion'. K-9 is in scale with the other figurines and is 4.5 cm tall.

One of the most iconic designs in the history of Stargate. The Goa'uld used Ha'tak motherships to impose their will on the Galaxy.

These vast ships resembled giant, spaceborne pyramids and were equipped with fearsome firepower. After the fall of the Goa'uld they were operated by the Free Jaffa.

This is one of a limited number of Stargate models produced by Eaglemoss.

The model is 8 inches (20 cm) wide.

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