This week’s drop goes live on THURSDAY July 13th at 9 PM BST/1 pm PST/4 PM EST.
We’re dropping a little early this week as we’ve got key staff out in San Diego for Comic Con so mark your cards for THURSDAY. This drop sees restocks of several ships that sold out superfast last time around including Doug Drexler’s Enterprise NX-01 refit (recently made canon by STAR TREK: PICARD), V’ger, the Enterprise-C, and a couple of much-sought after ships from STAR TREK ONLINE.
There’s a particularly good representation of ships from STAR TREK: DISCOVERY including two of John Eaves’ designs for Starfleet ships, the Worker Bee and the Klingon Cleave ship which decloaks to tear its enemies apart.
The rarest ship in the drop is almost certainly the Klingon D4 concept – a 22nd-century version of the classic battle cruiser that was designed for ENTERPRISE’s first season but never seen. We’ve also got some shuttles that were previously only available as part of sets but are now being sold individually.
Outside of STAR TREK it’s another good week for BATTLESTAR GALACTICA with vipers, raiders and raptors.
Here’s the list:
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