Dr Who Warehouse Find

21 products

This final set from the Time Lords Victorious series features the Tenth Doctor in full Time Lord regalia and Brian the Ood. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.

This set of Time Lords includes Missy, one of the Master's more morally complex regnerations, who worked with the Twelfth Doctor, and the version of Rassilon who appeared in 'Hell Bent'. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.

This Time Lord set features Borusa, the Time Lord Cardinal from 'The Deadly Assassin" and the first incarnation of Romana who travelled with the Doctor, starting in 'The Ribos Operation'. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.


This set features two of the Doctor's greatest Time Lord enemies: the Monk, who confronted the First Docrtor and the version of the Master that confronted the Eighth Doctor in the 1999 TV movie. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.


Aggedor features in two classic Third Doctor stories: 'The Curse of Peladon' and 'The Monster of Peladon'. For many years, the Peladonians believed Aggedor was a myth. Their legends said that the creature would bring terror, darkness and death when it returns.  The Doctor and Jo discover that the Aggedor were very real and that at least one has survived. That Aggedor is being manipulated in an attempt to disrupt a galactic alliance but the Doctor soon befriends it.

This figure was one of Eaglemoss's oversized specials and is approximately 13 cm tall.


The figure depicts a Cybershade as they appeared in the 10th Doctor episode 'The Next Doctor'.

The figurine is 8.1 cm tall.


The Pirate Captain appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Pirate Planet', which was written by Douglas Adams and was part of the Key to Time story arc. He used a hollowed out planet to steal resources from other worlds, had robotic limbs and even a robotic parrot. The figurine is just under 11 cm tall. 


The Winders were cyborg policemen on the Starship UK. Their heads which were human on one side, rotated rotated to reveal an horrific smiling face. The figurine is 10 cm tall. 

The Silurians ruled Earth millions of years before humans evolved, but environmental changes forced them to put themselves into hibernation. This version of the Silurians is from the Fifth Doctor story 'Warriors of the Deep' when they teamed up with their cousins the Sea Devils to attack Sea Base Four as the beginning of a plot to reclaim control of the Earth. The figurine is approximately 11 cm tall.

Sharaz Jek is the villain in 'The Caves of Androzani', which is one of the most admired Doctor Who stories ever made. He was a specialist in androids, who he used to harvest toxic spectrox. He was horribly burned in an accident which led him to wear a distinctive black and white mask. He was eventually killed in a battle with his nemesis Morgus. The figurine is roughly 10 cm tall.

Add some Gallifreyan style to your outfit with this set of seven collectable Doctor Who: Flux Pin Badges. Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor is joined by long-time companion Yaz and Liverpudlian Dan as well as the canine soldier Karvanista, observation officer Vinder and two insidious villains from the Doctor’s ancient past – Azure and Swarm, the Ravagers!
These adorable metal Doctor Who Pin Badges capture some of the greatest characters in Doctor Who’s history in a fun chibi style. The set comes in a special presentation box.

As part of the Slitheens' plan to destroy the planet Earth, they modified an Earth pig so that it looked like an alien. They then dressed it up in a spacesuit, and put it in a ship, which they crashed into the Thames. The pig had no idea about their plans and died trying to escape. When the Ninth Doctor examined the body he realised that everything was not as it seemed. The figurine is about 6.5 cm tall.
The Master is the Doctor's nemesis. Like him, he is a Time Lord who can regenerate and different versions of him have confronted the Doctor. This box set set contains the first four: the Master played by Roger Delgado as he appeared in 'Terror of the Autons'; the emaciated Master from 'The Deadly Assassin'; the Anthony Ainley version from 'Castrovalva' and the Eric Roberts Master from the TV movie. Each figurine is roughly 9.5 cm tall.
The Wirrn were giant insectlike creatures that the Fourth Doctor encountered on Nerva Beacon. They were intelligent parasites who planted their eggs inside the humans who were in suspended animation, turning them into Wirrn. They were eliminated when they were lured into a transport ship, which was then destroyed. The figurine was a special oversized issue and is approximately 14 cm tall.
Get ready for the return of Doctor Who! As well as producing figurines, Eaglemoss produced a line of Doctor Who homewares. This tin contains four reusable cookie cutters, each shaped like an adorable version of a classic time lord, and a high quality tea towel. It comes with a perfect recipe so you can make the cookies. The whole thing can  be kept in the tin.

These Daleks with silver bodies and black domes appeared in the Second Doctor story 'The Evil of the Daleks'. They were special guards for the Dalek Emperor.

The figurine is 7.5 cm tall.

In the story 'The Doctor's Wife' the Eleventh Doctor is lured outside of the normal universe to a realm where a creature known as 'House' survives by draining the energy from TARDISes. He escapes by cobbling a control room and console together from the remains of wrecked TARDISes. The 'junk' console is in scale with all the figurines in the collection.
Get ready for the return of Doctor Who! As well as producing figurines, Eaglemoss produced a line of Doctor Who homewares. This tin contains four reusable cookie cutters, each shaped like an adorable version of a classic monster, and a high quality tea towel. It comes with a perfect recipe so you can make the cookies. The whole thing can be kept in the tin.

This box-set unites the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) with two beloved co-stars from the Big Finish audio dramas: Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and one of the Master's Dalek allies! The Eighth Doctor is portrayed in a black leather jacket holding his sonic screwdriver.Liv Chenka, a human medical technician from the planet Kaldor, acted as a companion to both the Seventh and Eighth Doctors.

The characters are all portrayed as they appear in the Big Finish Audio play "Dark Eyes".

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