Dr Who Warehouse Find
This final set from the Time Lords Victorious series features the Tenth Doctor in full Time Lord regalia and Brian the Ood. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.
This set of Time Lords includes Missy, one of the Master's more morally complex regnerations, who worked with the Twelfth Doctor, and the version of Rassilon who appeared in 'Hell Bent'. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.
This Time Lord set features Borusa, the Time Lord Cardinal from 'The Deadly Assassin" and the first incarnation of Romana who travelled with the Doctor, starting in 'The Ribos Operation'. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.
This set features two of the Doctor's greatest Time Lord enemies: the Monk, who confronted the First Docrtor and the version of the Master that confronted the Eighth Doctor in the 1999 TV movie. These figurines were only produced as part of this set and were not available separately. They each stand between 9 and 10 cm tall.
This figure was one of Eaglemoss's oversized specials and is approximately 13 cm tall.
The figurine is 8.1 cm tall.
The Pirate Captain appeared in the Fourth Doctor story 'The Pirate Planet', which was written by Douglas Adams and was part of the Key to Time story arc. He used a hollowed out planet to steal resources from other worlds, had robotic limbs and even a robotic parrot. The figurine is just under 11 cm tall. 
The Winders were cyborg policemen on the Starship UK. Their heads which were human on one side, rotated rotated to reveal an horrific smiling face. The figurine is 10 cm tall. 
Sharaz Jek is the villain in 'The Caves of Androzani', which is one of the most admired Doctor Who stories ever made. He was a specialist in androids, who he used to harvest toxic spectrox. He was horribly burned in an accident which led him to wear a distinctive black and white mask. He was eventually killed in a battle with his nemesis Morgus. The figurine is roughly 10 cm tall.
These adorable metal Doctor Who Pin Badges capture some of the greatest characters in Doctor Who’s history in a fun chibi style. The set comes in a special presentation box.
The figurine is 7.5 cm tall.
This box-set unites the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) with two beloved co-stars from the Big Finish audio dramas: Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and one of the Master's Dalek allies! The Eighth Doctor is portrayed in a black leather jacket holding his sonic screwdriver.Liv Chenka, a human medical technician from the planet Kaldor, acted as a companion to both the Seventh and Eighth Doctors.
The characters are all portrayed as they appear in the Big Finish Audio play "Dark Eyes".